Residence Halls

Residence Halls

Traditional Halls

所有新生都被安排在标准双人间,并有一名室友住在其中一间 our traditional halls. 这些两层的大厅以社区之间的互动为特色 通过在每层设置公共走廊、公共浴室和淋浴设施, 休息室/电视区,带齐全的厨房,以及带洗衣机和烘干机的洗衣房. They vary in size from 48 to 96 residents. Each has a standard twin-sized bed, sink with 下面的存储空间,一个药柜,和有限的书架. Each resident has a desk, closet, and storage space.

宿舍由宿舍助理和宿舍协调员直接监督 (RC's), who report to the Director of Residence Life. Late applicants may be placed 在三人间或四人间应该不再提供双人间.

All halls and rooms are non-smoking. Traditional-style halls are single gender. The following is a description of each hall:

Jerome Hall: Jerome Hall is a male dorm. The average room size is 13 ft 2 in x 16 ft 9 in. Each 双人间配有两张桌子,两张桌椅,两张桌子上方的橱柜 内置灯,两张常规双人床,两个衣柜,两个梳妆台 在壁橱里,有一个洗脸盆,下面有储物空间,还有一个药柜和 limited book shelving.

Theresa Hall: Theresa Hall is a female dorm. The average room size is 13 ft 2 in x 16 ft 9 in. 每个双人间配有两张桌子,两把桌椅,两个书桌上方的橱柜 内置灯,两张常规双人床,两个衣柜,两个梳妆台 在壁橱里,有一个洗脸盆,下面有储物空间,还有一个药柜和 limited book shelving.

Augustine Hall奥古斯丁宿舍(Augustine Hall)是一所女性宿舍,今年夏天,一楼进行了全面翻新 of 2022. 它主要面向二年级和高年级学生,但偶尔也有非大一学生 转学生,甚至一些新生可能会找到进入奥古斯丁的方法. The average room size is 11 ft. 7 in x 16 ft. Each double room is equipped with two 桌子,两把桌椅,一个书架,两张普通的双人床,两个衣柜,还有 衣橱里有两个梳妆台,洗脸盆下面有储物空间, a medicine cabinet.

Madonna Hall: 圣母堂是一所女性宿舍,在2022年夏天进行了一次翻新,刷上了新漆 carpets and a re-decorated lounge. The average room size is 11 ft 4 in x 16 ft 4 in. 每个双人间配有两张桌子,两把桌椅,两个书桌上方的橱柜 内置灯,两张常规双人床,两个衣柜,两个梳妆台 在壁橱里,有一个洗脸盆,下面有储物空间,还有一个药柜和 limited book shelving.

Catherine Hall: 这个大厅以前被改造为办公室,现在重新开放给女性住宅使用 beginning fall of 2021.  虽然整个二楼将是住宅,但第一层 楼层被划分为住宅区和剩余的大学部门办公室 and music practice rooms. 两个区域之间将有一扇分开的锁门 which cannot be accessed by those offices. Standard and basic furniture is provided as in the other halls. Room sizes mimic those in Madonna Hall.

Gregory HallGregory Hall是一间男生宿舍,2014年夏天进行了翻新. The average room size is 11 ft 7 in x 16 ft 8in. Each double room is equipped with two desks and 架子,两张桌椅,两张双人床,两个衣柜,两个梳妆台 位于壁橱内部的是一个洗脸盆,下面是一个储物空间,是一个药柜 and limited book shelving.

O'Connell Hall: 奥康奈尔楼(O'Connell Hall)是一所女性宿舍,于2010年夏天进行了翻修. It consists of double rooms and single rooms. 根据每年的校园人口住房需求, 这个大厅可以容纳新生,在读学生或两者的结合 floor if necessary. 平均房间面积为11英尺10英寸× 18英尺6英寸(双人间) 11 ft 4 in x 11 ft 4 in (Single). Each double room is equipped with two desks,two 几把桌椅,一个书架,两张普通的双人床,两个衣柜和两个梳妆台 位于壁橱内部的洗脸盆,下面有存储空间和药品 cabinet.单间(高年级学生或患有ADA或残疾的学生有限) medical need) 包含一张桌子,一个书架,一张普通的双人床,一个带封闭的壁橱 梳妆台,下面有储物盆和药柜.

Amenities: 'Traditional' Halls

虽然设计不同,但每个“传统”本科生宿舍都有不同的设计 the following basic elements:

两间公共浴室设施(每层一间),一间休息室/电视区,一间洗衣间 washers and dryers, and a kitchen facility.

Amenities: Rooms in Traditional Halls

All Traditional Undergraduate Residence Hall rooms have:

标准双人床(39“x76”),桌子,椅子,衣柜和抽屉空间 每个住户,洗脸盆与储物空间在药柜下,有限的书 shelving, window blinds, carpeted rooms.

Sophomore and Upperclassmen Housing

Clark Hall 专为二年级学生和高年级学生设计,并于2010年在校园内开放. Clark 大厅是一间套房式的男女同校公寓,有三种风格的房间:一间单人房, a double, or a triple. 三居室有三间卧室和一个公共的起居空间 students in doubles will share the same bedroom. All Clark Hall rooms have their own sinks, bathrooms, and showers. Clark features a modern lounge with a full kitchen 还有一个漂亮的庭院,里面有烧烤架、火坑和地滚球场. 

Student Apartments 是否只对符合特定标准的本科高年级学生开放 qualify to live in the on-campus student apartments. Apartments are only awarded to qualifying roommate groups of the same gender. All apartments are double-occupancy by bedroom. 申请只在公布的住房登记期间接受 period each spring semester for the upcoming academic year. Participation in a meal plan is optional for apartment residents. While basic furniture is provided, apartment 居民每月负责缴纳电费. Water is provided by the university. Cable TV is available for direct purchase from Time Warner.

只有符合条件的高年级学生才会被考虑 在下一学年,每年春季的住房登记周期间. 

Food Service -所有住在本科生宿舍的学生都必须参加 in the meal plan program. No refunds for partial use are permitted. Participation 对于学生公寓的居民来说,膳食计划是可选的. Student Apartment 居民也可以直接从自助餐厅购买通勤膳食计划. 

在夏季会议期间,只有一种膳食计划可供居民选择. Meals 在感恩节、圣诞节、复活节和春假期间都不能使用吗. Click HERE to find out more about our dining services.

Student Affairs Contact -现在和未来的学生对宿舍有疑问可以联系 the Student Affairs office at 972-721-5323 or via email to or

Sequence of Assigning Students to Housing 

云顶集团的政策是为目前入学的学生提供第一所房子 哪些人符合在校的本科生居住要求,然后是本科生 who do not. 

Housing for Non-Students

我们不接待非云顶集团在校生, 除了以下例外:寻求团体住宿合同的组织 during the summer for summer camps, workshops, etc. should contact the Manager, Conference & Event Services at 972-721-5123 or by email